D9.16: CLEANKER Strategic Conclusions
In this deliverable, the main conclusions derived from project results are explained. Conclusions are based on all the main project findings, both at experimental and theoretical level. In particular, the report will describe:
- the integrated CaL process and the pilot plant installed in Vernasca;
- The main experimental findings related to the demonstration of the intregrated CaL concept: starting from the characterization of the cement raw meal as CO2 sorbent for the integrated CaL process (laboratory tests), the deliverable will then report the experimental results obtained within the TRL7 demonstration plant (short-term and long-term test campaigns in the Vernasca cement plant);
- The main experimental findings related to the mineralization process and to the use of exhaust CaL sorbent for clinker production;
- The characterization of the integrated CaL technology in terms of Life Cycle Assessment and of techno-economic analysis for the full scale retrofit solution;
- The concept of the “Dual Calciner CaL” concept, patented during the project lifetime with the aim of improving the performances of the integrated CaL process.
Finally, insights related to the integrated CaL pro and cons and to the suggested next steps will be explained.