Project structure
CLEANKER project is structured in the 9 work packages. The work proposed is needed to address the research and innovation questions which must be answered to allow the advancement of the technology to higher TRL and to the final industrial exploitation, namely:
- Demonstration of the integrated CaL process at TRL7: the highly integrated CaL process will be demonstrated at TRL7 in a new demo system in operational environment, connected with the BUZZI cement plant in Vernasca;
- Behaviour of raw meals as CO2 sorbent: tests will be done in the new demo system at TRL7 with local Vernasca raw meal and raw meal from different sources (WP3). Comparative characterization of various raw meal qualities in 120 kW USTUTT test rig will be performed to allow a transfer of results and experiences of the demonstration tests to other cement production sites (WP4). Finally, in WP5, lab tests in drop tube reactors at CSIC and TSIU and reaction modelling at particle level will be done for interpreting the phenomena influencing raw meal activity and kinetics as CO2 sorbent;
- Techno-economic performance of the integrated CaL process in full-scale plants: in order to answer to this R&I question, mainly WP5 and WP6 will be involved throughout 1D and 3D CaL reactor models validated on the experimental results from the demo system and from lab facilities, Process integration study of CaL process into full-scale cement plant, with biomass co-firing, retrofitting study and focus on the CO2 compression and purification unit with variable air infiltrations over time, scale-up and engineering study for full-scale commercial CaL cement plant and techno-economic analysis of full-scale CaL cement plant and benchmarking with oxyfuel and alternative CaL process configurations.
- Assessment of the CaL process in the complete value chain: two CO2 transport-storage-utilization case studies (Baltic regional scenario and Vernasca Italian local scenario) relevant for the end users of the project will be assessed in details (WP7) and tests of waste oil shale ash, relevant case study for the Baltic scenario, will be performed at the Vernasca demo-plant with the CO2 captured in the pilot, to demonstrate the complete CO2 capture-utilization chain. Moreover, selection of promising HeidelbergCement Group and BUZZI cement plants worldwide for first industrial exploitation of CaL technology, based on the vicinity to CCS hubs and clusters will be pursued (WP7).