The ultimate objective of CLEANKER is advancing the integrated Calcium-looping process for CO capture in cement plants. This fundamental objective will be achieved by pursuing the following primary targets:
- Demonstrate the integrated CaL process at TRL 7 in a new demo system connected to the operating cement burning line of the Vernasca cement plant;
- Demonstrate the technical-economic feasibility of the integrated CaL process in retrofitted large scale cement plants through process modelling and scale-up study;
- Demonstrate the storage of the CO2 captured from the CaL demo system, through mineralization of waste material in a pilot reactor of at least 100 litres to be built in Vernasca, next to the CaL demo system;
- Set the basis for the industrial exploitation of the technology by EU companies in Europe and abroad;
- Guarantee that clinker quality is not affected by the process;
- Favour knowledge sharing with a wide range of stakeholders and involve the local communities.